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District 5 Specialty Results

Heartland Caprines

Lincoln, NE

August 9, 2014

Judge: Todd Biddle

Senior Doe Number of exhibitors: 5 Number of Seniors in Show: 13

1st place 2-3 year old and GCH: Caprikanza E*Z Breezy

Owner: Michaela Sievers

1st place yearling milker and RGCH: Deidrago JM Mochas Faline

Owner: Megan Okeson

BOB: Caprikanza E*Z Breezy

Owner: Michaela Sievers


Junior Doe Show Number of exhibitors: 3 Number of Jr Does: 10

JrCH and Best In Show: Deidrago JM Buckwheat Boulevard

Owner: Megan Okeson

Res. JrCH: Deidrago SD Salives Hunter

Owner: Lawrence Chesson


Group Classes

Senior Breeders Herd Junior Breeders Herd

1) Michaela Sievers 1) Megan Okeson

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